Implementation of House Bill 1575

H.B. 1575, passed by the 88th Texas Legislature in 2023, represents a significant step forward to improve maternal health outcomes by addressing non-medical factors that affect low-income pregnant women.

Texas Maternal Health

The Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee (MMMRC) and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) released their 2024 Biennial Report, offering a detailed look into maternal health trends across the state.

The Vital Role of Safety Net Health Programs

The Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program, Family Planning Program (FPP), and Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) program provide vital services to underserved women across the state, ensuring they have access to preventive care, family planning, and cancer screenings.

Achievements | News
Joint Budget Hearing: Health & Human Services Commission

TWHC thanked House and Senate leadership for their continued investment in women’s health programs, including the HTW, Family Planning, and Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Programs.

Achievements | News
TWHC’s Testimony at the DSHS LAR hearing

TWHC) submitted recommendations to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) regarding their Legislative Appropriations Request for the 89th Session.

Achievements | Stories
TWHC’s Advocacy Efforts: Mobile Health Units

“The Squad” stationed during the opening ceremony from South Texas Family Planning and Health Corporation (STFPHC) early August 2024.

Take a look: The Texas LARC Toolkit

In collaboration with our Steering Committee Member, Every Body Texas, and ASTHO we have created a resource for Texas healthcare providers to support access to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).

Read our Latest Comments: BCCS Program Payment Rates

Our TWHC provides public comment on proposed adjustments to payment rates for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) program.

Read Here: IVF Statement

We welcome you to please read the Texas Women’s Healthcare Coalition statement on ‘In vitro fertilisation’ (IVF) statement. We want to give special thanks to our members for collaborating in this statement.

Learn More: LARCs

Long-acting reversible contraceptives, or LARCs, are a form of birth control that prevents pregnancy over multiple years after the one-time placement of a device into a woman’s body. They are the most effective form of birth control and can be removed or “reversed” at any time.

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